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Writer's picture: Amy NeilsonAmy Neilson

Health hack with @amysfitnessandnutrition

Photo Credit - Julia Gray Photography

What does good mental health mean to you?

It’s important to remember that happiness is not a ‘destination’ but a journey that we have to keep working on, every, single, day. I try and keep happy and focused through ensuring everything I do (in work, life, relationships) has a positive impact on both myself and more importantly those around me. For me, at the moment it involves feeling physically fit and healthy, nourished by what I put in my body and the media I consume - and most importantly of all – having the time to both support and have fun with friends and family.

Photo Credit - Julia Gray Photography

I haven’t always felt like this. I’ve felt chemically induced depression (thanks to doctors who put me on the pill at 15 years old to clear acne…cheers guys). I have felt adrenal fatigue and chronic stress – burning through cortisol and adrenaline just to get me through busy days in ‘important' jobs. And most recently I’ve felt a heap of anxiety – both good and bad (jeez I think if you haven’t with COVID’s recent antics you deserve a medal).

Mental Health looks completely different for everyone. For some people it is simply having the mental strength to get out of bed in the morning, to turn up for a partner, children, friends and colleagues. For some it’s trying not to cry today. We all face different struggles and it’s good to remember that where you are is all OK – it’s a starting point.

Wherever You Are - Have A Think

Consider - how many of your mental health struggles are wrapped up in;

- Loved ones, relationships, not being loved/ loneliness, losing a loved one

- Work & accumulating money, assets and deadlines (created by ourselves)

- Failing at work/life balance – working, partnering, parenting, balancing

- Expectations set by others that we feel like we can’t meet

A Good Tool To Try - Think About Your Funeral

Sounds like a terrible plan to improve Mental Health eh? But it’s magical. A friend of mine recently had a health scare and it really does make you reevaluate everything you know and value. Multiple studies have shown regularly revaluating your thought patterns based on what still matters at ‘the end’ can be incredibly helpful in developing clarity around our struggles.

Photo Credit - Julia Gray Photography

Studies show that most people on their death bed say they wish they had:

- Told people they loved that they loved them – Be honest

- Worked less - that’s right – think about that when you’re contemplating an extra hour at the laptop. No one wishes they’d spent longer on the 9-5 treadmill.

- Spent more time with friends and family

- Worried about living up to everyone else’s expectations

Does this resonate with you? Are there changes you might make? This is Mental Health Awareness Week ( 27th Sep – 3rd Oct 2021). Check out for daily tips this week and remember to talk to a doctor or health professional if you’re worried.

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